

Ryujin Large Suspension Bridge (Japan/Ibaraki pre)

Hi, I'm IWO.

Today I will introduce you about the Ryujin Big Bridge in Ibaraki prefecture.



Ryujin Large Suspension Bridge

This  is the largest bridge for pedestrians in Japan and has a length 375m.


The best months to visit here are May and October.

In May, you can see koinobori (carp streamer)  along the brigde.

In October, you can see the red-dyed mountains from the brigde.


Please chack the official website for the best shot.





Adress: 2133-6, Keganocho, Hitachiota Shi, Ibaraki Ken, Japan

Access:[Train and Bus]

 1. Take the Joban Line (常磐線) from Ueno Station (Tokyo) to Mito Station (Ibaraki) by train.

 2. Take the Suigun Line (水郡線) from Mito Station to Hitachiota Station by train.

 3. Take a bus bound Shimotakakura (下高倉行) or Shimotakakura / Daigo (下高倉・大子行) and get off the entrance of Ryujin Ohtsuribashi (竜神大吊橋入口) or Ryujin Ohtsuribashi (竜神大吊橋).



Open: 8:30~17:30 (Last reception until 16:40)

Fee: Adult ¥320 Child ¥210




Author: いを (IWO)

Twitter: @iwoiwo10



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